YouTube Capture


YouTube Capture. Edit. Upload.

This week we continue to focus on creativity and collaboration from our school's DSLOs by introducing YouTube Capture to our teachers.

Session Goals: 
  1. Give educators hands-on training in how to use YouTube Capture
  2. Identify how video can be used to create learning opportunities and demonstrate outcomes.

  1. Video projects are often (read: usually) time consuming
  2. Draft quickly away from the curricular substance to becoming a 'video project'. 

We want to give teachers experience and choice in how video is created in the classroom. 

Our recommendation is that video 'projects' should:

  1. Contribute towards new understandings
  2. Demonstrate something learned (student or teacher perspective)

Too often though, students are drawn into using Apps that promote overbloating. YouTube Capture is a fantastic antidote. Great for making videos quickly and having them up on YouTube within minutes. 

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